Sunday, March 23, 2008

An interesting development

It's Monday morning here, and I haven't been able to access this page since about 12 hours after I published my last post. I'm not really sure what that means, and I'm not really sure what to do about it. I can access all other pages, but not this page. I can get to the dashboard here, and I can create a new post, but I can't publish it, I can't view the blog, and I can't read comments. So, I'm writing this from home today, but I think kreplech will have to publish it for me (from an undisclosed America.)

Maybe someone is trying to answer my poll question for me? Maybe I had a few too many hot keywords in my last post that somebody misinterpreted? Maybe the link to the State Department Report was a bad idea? I don't know. But, as those who know me probably already guessed, I'm a bit paranoid at this point. I like making comparisons, but the inside of an American jail cell is not fun, and I'm not that interested in seeing the inside of a Vietnamese one.

So, I 'd like to take this opportunity to clear a few things up. I am not a revolutionary. Did ya hear that, guys? I AM NOT A REVOLUTIONARY!!! I think everybody who knows me was pretty sure of that already, but I just felt the need to say it aloud. Here. So, if you're looking to start a revolution, take it somewhere else. There's no place for that here, ya understand?

I'm a socialist, for crying outloud. I love communists. 5 years in Russia with excellent free health care did it to me. I'm a young, healthy, working class male, the picture of socialism. You need a dollar? I'll give you one. Need some Dong? I'll give you some. Glory to the workers!! Down with the Bourgeoisie!! Granted, I'm a liberterian socialist to coin a term, but a socialist none the less. For me, now, in Vietnam, I want to maintain the status quo. I love the staus quo.

Maybe I'm overeacting, but I think it's not entirely out of the realm of possibilities that my last post contained some items, or phrases, or links which could be viewed as unfavorable to a certain government, which happens to be in power in the country where I happen to be currently situated. And as a result of those words, phrases and links I have been blocked from posting more, and the State Security Services are now on the way to arrest me and sentence me without trial to a life of hard labor. But, I maintain that the subleties of my message could have been lost in translation, and I'm now issuing a formal apology to the offended parties. I'm not too proud for that. Sorry. I was actually trying to start a revolution in MY country, but now, I've even changed my mind about that. Because, as I said before, I'm not a revolutionary and I love the status quo.

So, in the interest of my personal safety, I've made some changes to my last post. I've replaced the link to the State Department with something I feel will be viewed in a much better light. And I've changed the quoted text at the bottom to claify what I was actually trying to say. Save all that journalistic integrity stuff for Judith Miller. This blogging thing is cool, but I like walking around outside. The view from here should not be from behind bars.


puddy said...


Bradda said...

Yea, stand up for yourself poindexter!

Kup said...

I am kind of nervous about responding....

CY said...

ya, you're right, Moms is freaking out about your paranoia. blog away bro! you non-conformist commie-loving long-hair! Love, chris